Sunday, 29 April 2012

How to get people to ReTweet your stuff

(This is the first real post on the Blogging Lion blog! Enjoy! :) )

Twitter is a great platform for everyone including online marketers like me and you. It can be a great traffic source if you use the power of Twitter correctly. Today I will show you the secrets of getting people to RT your tweets.
Twitter Bird

Getting retweeted is a major step on the ladder to promotion success. Let's view it this way: the more retweets you get -> the more people talk about your product/service/blog -> more chance of getting loyal customers/readers.

So how to get more RTs? Here are some golden tips:

Tweet about interesting things!
Nobody wants to know about your dog's breakfast or your mom's car. Your followers follow you because they think you will update them with useful things. Also stay at your original niche/topic! If you're Twitter profile is about tech and gadgets, probably your followers are interested in tech and gadgets. So don't annoy them with your last night party or such things. They won't RT any of those kind of stuff.

Ask them for RTs!
I know it may sound a bit self promotional, but believe it or not, it mostly works! Once you publish your new blog post, you probably write a tweet like this:
"Twitter marketing: How to get people to RT your stuff! http://link-goes-here"
That's OK in most cases, but if you really want to get many RTs, that's not enough.
To solve this I usually add a phrase like this to the end:
"Twitter marketing: How to get people to RT your stuff! http://link-goes-here  (If you liked the article, please RT!)"
That somehow increases my number of RTs! So why don't you try it as well! :)
(Warning: Don't do this to every tweet of yours, because once they will have enough and they will unfollow you.)

In return, RT their tweets!
If they see you RT their tweets, they will think of somehow returning this favour -> they will RT you as well! :)

Interact with your followers!
This step will build trust. More they trust you and the more they know you, the more they will favourite and RT your tweets. It's that simple!

Well, hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, do me a favour, RT! :) Thanks very much!
If you have anything to add to these points or you have a question, don't hesitate to leave a comment!


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